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The teacher has the opportunity to spend a period of mobility for teaching and / or research at a partner institution abroad. Inter- institutional exchanges should encourage individual growth and institutional growth in terms of quality and internationalization.

The goal is to ensure maximum visibility of the events, conferences, lectures, activities organized by management in mobility. Information of the results obtained from the teacher mobility is primarily set on the website.

The Bilateral international agreement is a prerequisite for any mobility activities of teachers in and out. The bilateral agreement between partners adjusts the number of mobility.

The International Commission verificates the professional and language skills of teachers who ask to go on the move. All teachers hold a contract with the Institution may request to participate in the mobility program for teaching abroad.

The application is based on internal competition notice published on the web of the Academy, according to guidelines and criteria set by the EUC (Erasmus University Charter) in terms of quality, visibility, transparency.

In the outgoing mobility relations are regulated by the contract between teacher and institution and each document will be made by the following: Responsible international, international coordinator, office of international secretariat.

The International Commission asks the teacher to present a teaching project for abroad and contacts international office of the partner institution to ask for confirmation to the feasibility of the program.

The inter-institutional agreement for each mobility is indicated by an official letter of invitation. There are the period and the time of the lessons to be performed hightlights in the lettter.

The International office of the host country will certify the teaching activities carried out at the institution at the conclusion of mobility.

The teaching staff mobility is assisted by the international secretariat in case as the issuance of any certificate required for obtaining a VISA, or other specifics.

The results that are obtained by the teachers in outgoing mobility should be stored in the archives of the International office and published on the website of the Academy, subject to special agreements for publication elsewhere.

The teacher who has had experience of mobility can help to support incoming students. Purpose of mobility is implementing and promoting new trade and international projects to help the development of new teaching methods, as well as facilitate the launch of international educational courses such as IP (Intensive Programme).