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The Accademia di Belle Art of Reggio Calabria has in Europe the aim of an international and cultural outlook.
Art, Education, Production and artistic communication give a very important contribute in terms of intercultural sharing and comparison.
Ideas and creativity integration are the cause of people's cohabitation, union, and intellectual and civil developpement.
In order to reach these targets the Accademia set its sight to some strategic priorities:
A) Stipulate Strategic partnership relations with European Academies which have the aim of the research of educational and cultural models as master and educational paths, with the participation of Academic Institutions in order to give combined educational qualifications recognized in the European Union Countries.
B) Launch of Placement which will consolidate the dialogue between Academy, authorities and companies of the district, opening new comparison opportunities. These relationships will be extend to international partners.
C) Enlarge and Intensify mobility relations with extra-european countries with particular attention to:

1. Developing countries in the art field as China and Arabic Emirates;
2. Extra Europe countries which have the aim of integration with European Union; the Academy plays a very important role as promoter of integration.
3. Partnership relations and mobility exchanges with teachers and European and extra-european Institutions
The Accademia of Bella Arti of Reggio Calabria, has the prerogative of the incoming and outgoing partecipants' protection and security involved in Erasmus projects +.
All the partecipants to Erasmus Project + will deduce the biggest advantage and profit in this mobility programme. This can be guarantee in a safe environment which respect and protect all the people's rights.
In order to give a better answer to young unenployement in the European Union it is important to give attention to transnational cooperation between Institutes and companies. It is also important to stimulate the excellence of teaching and researching, giving the possibility to the best teachers and researchers to operate in Institutes and associations abroad.

The targets of the students' mobility in the Erasmus Programme are:
Mobility for study
• Allow students to get linguistic, cultural and educational benefit from the experience abroad.
• Enrich the educational contest of the hosting institution.
• Promote cooperation between institutions which exchange students.
• Enrich the society by breeding future professional figures with international experience.
• Contribute to expenses for the mobility, for students who cannot afford it.

Mobility for apprenticeship.
Allow apprenticeship abroad and the recognition of it.

The targets of teachers' mobility in the Erasmus Programme are:
Mobility for educational activity.
• Give teachers the possibility of professional growth and upgrade.
• Stimulate Universities to enlarge and enrich their courses.
• Consolidate relations between institutions from different countries.
• Allow students who cannot afford the Erasmus programme to benefit of the education of different countries teachers.
• Promote the exchange of knowledges and experiences.
• Mobility for education.

All the other information about the Lifelong Learning Programme can be found on the web page www.programmallp.iy